
Our forests are essential to the survival of humanity, from the air we breathe to the effect on climate change; forestry protection is our duty.

We assist in the implementation of brand based custom sustainability programs by working with brands from initial concept, creating overall sustainability goals.

Starting in our design and engineering departments, we provide a wide variety of low impact certified materials that improve recycling rates from the get go.

In production we have the option of using soy based inks and in flexo printing using 100% water based inks with zero VOC, all material waste from jobs is fully recycled.

Through our certifications in Carbon Neutral SFI® and FSC®, we ensure that proper paper sourcing is executed throughout the production process; all boxes and folding cartons will have the proper certification and identifications coinciding with your brand to reflect this.

Verified Carbon Logo certification mark Black and white BV V1 12.23 AB (1)

FSC® is an independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit organization established to promote the responsible management of the world’s forests. They are internationally recognized in more than 45 countries. Products carrying the FSC® label are independently certified to assure consumers that they come from forests that are managed to meet the social, economic and ecological needs of present and future generations.

SFI® forest certification promotes responsible forestry practices. To be certified, forest operations across the United States and Canada must be audited against the SFI® forest standard. SFI® fiber sourcing requirements address the reality of global fiber markets and the fact that only 10 percent of the world’s forest are certified. Program participants must ensure the raw material in their supply chain comes from legal and responsible sources, whether the forests are certified or not.
Our forests are essential to the survival of humanity.